Thursday, January 27, 2022

Warhammer Fantasy 8th edition 1000 point battle


This is the battle report of a Warhammer Fantasy 8th edition 1000 point battle.

It was Empire Vs Goblins, with both players having not played for around 8-10 years.


The Empire force was made up of:

1 General of the Empire with a runefang. (EC)

1 Warrior Priest with a great weapon. (WP)

30 swordsmen with full command. (S)

15 halberdiers. (H)

14 crossbow men. (C)

3 demigryph knights with full command. (DK)

They faced a goblin army of:

1 goblin big boss with 2 hand weapons. (GB)

1 night goblin battle standard bearer. (BSB)

1 level 2 night goblin shaman. (S)

28 night goblins with spear and shield and full command. (NG)

20 night goblins with bows and full command. (BNG)

24 goblins with bows, light armour 28 goblins with hand weapon and shields and full command. (BG)

28 goblins with light armour, hand weapon and shields and full command. (G)

28 goblins with light armour, hand weapon and shields and full command. (G2)

1 spear chukka (SC)

1 giant (GI)

The lines formed up and the goblins took the first turn.

Immediately the big boss unit of goblins squabbled and killed 2 night goblins from the BSB's unit and also prevented them from being able to do anything.

The other unit of goblins also squabbled and so did nothing. A classic goblin start. The 2 units of archers were able to moved up. The wizard was able to force the archers to re-roll 6s in the magic phase. In the shooting the spear chukka just missed the demigryph knights thanks to their cover behind a farmer's shed.

The empire forces used their turn to march up, the only other event was the crossbow men picking off 2 night goblin archers.

In the goblin's second turn the night goblin archer unit squabbled and had to charge the empire halberdiers detachment, taking the shaman in with them. The giant also went in to try and break through to the rear of the Empire lines.

The night goblin shaman managed to force the halberdiers he was fighting to re-roll 6s, but failed to get sneaky stabbbin (armour piercing) off. The spear chukka once again missed the demigryph knights but the goblin archers managed to do 1 wound with their short bows.

In the combat the halberdiers swiftly hacked down the goblin shaman, but thanks to the spell could not wound the giant. They also took down 1 goblin as well. The night goblins poked 2 halberdiers to death while the giant ineffectual shouted at them (yell and bawl). The large parent unit with the Elector Count nearby meant that there was little chance of the halberdiers breaking.

Sniglet Naggelrot could spy the bright colours of the empire uniforms lining up across the fields of wheat near the old farm. There were few of them, he had at least 3 goblins for every man. The 3 large creatures ridden by men in heavy armour were riding would have worried him if they had not been far away on the other flank. The great thundering steps of Angry Brag, the giant, were also very reassuring.

At the blast of a goblin horn he began to move forward. However instead of the goblins swarming forward in an unstoppable wave, both Chief Zibbs's mob and the mob of Pogin, the army standard bearer, had started having a full on brawl in the middle of the field. Also, Sniglet spied, the goblins on the far flank were just milling about, perhaps less than keen to get close to the large and ferocious monsters that opposed them.

Sniglet has even less time to consider these misfortunes than he expected as suddenly, his bow armed goblins, taken with some kind of over excitement, charged off towards the block of men with long sharp looking pointy sticks. Despite Sniglet's shouts, he was carried along with them.

Sniglet saw the sharp sticks getting closer as the goblins charged on, but then he heard the great thundering steps of Angry Brag as he charged in with them. A great sense of relief can to Sniglet as he expected to see Brag crash in to the humans and crush them with his mighty club and feet. Instead Brag stopped about 1 pace from the men and let loose a long and flowery (for a giant) string of abusive language. Sniglet's heart fell as the humans completely ignored Brag and instead closed in on him. This was not the best start to the day.


In the Empire turn 2 the demigryphs charged into the goblin unit off to the flank while the elector count lead his swordsmen and warrior priest into the side of the giant.
With the shaman now dead the goblins could not dispel the warrior priests prayers so now the swordsmen could re-roll hits from hatred and wounds. The crossbow men picked off a couple of goblins from the large units behind the combat.

In combat the Elector Count skilfully took 3 wounds from the giant with his runefang and the swordsmen took the other 3 before the giant could react. However victory turned to disaster as the giant fell directly on to the swordsmen and crushed 12 beneath his bulk, both the characters saved by shouts from the men around them (look out sir).

The swords men reformed to face the goblins while the night goblin archers broke and fled back through the night goblin spear men, who bravely did not panic. The halberdiers rolled poorly and advanced only a few inches.

The demigryphs killed a score of goblins who broke and managed to outpace! the demigryphs.

The goblin turn 3 saw charges from the night goblins with BSB to the remaining halberdiers and the big boss's unit into the swordsmen.
The goblins who had fled the demigryphs also rallied on their natural leadership. The night goblin bows also rallied.

The goblin archers passed a swift reform test on their natural leadership and took another wound from the demigryphs with their arrows. The speak chukka missed a point blank shot.

A bolt throwers dream, ruined by bad dice.

In combat the Elector count did only 1 wound with his runefang to the big boss, who in return stabbed the warrior priest for 1 wound. The remaining goblins finished off the priest and 3 swordsmen while the swordsmen killed 3 goblins. In the end combat was a draw. The night goblins and BSB were able to take down a few halberdiers but the rest held and bagged a couple of night goblins.

The Empire turn 3 saw the demigryphs again charged the rallied goblins and crossbowmen take another 4 night goblin bows who bravely passed their panic test.
The demigryphs broke and chased the goblins from the table while the night goblins wiped out the halberdiers and turned to face the swordsmen's flank. The Elector count then killed the big boss while the swordsmen got a few more goblins for the cost of a couple of their own. The goblins still had numbers, and in an important roll passed their re-roll n ld 6 to hold.

Goblin turn 4 and a game winning chance, the night goblins charged into the swordsmen's flank, there was no shooting except a long range spear chukka shot missing the crossbowmen.

In combat the swordsmen and elector count killed several goblins, but a further 4 swordsmen were killed and more importantly the flank charge and ranks of night goblins meant that the empire was testing on ld4, even with the 3 dice the roll was triple 6, so fled. A roll of 10 saw them outpace the goblins on a 6 and an 8.

Empire turn 4 and the swordsmen rallied and the demigryphs return. The crossbowmen continued to pickoff the odd goblin.

Goblin turn 5 and the night goblins with BSB went into the front of the swordsmen. In the shooting phase the spear chukka finally got a hit and killed 1 demigryph, which promptly caused the unit to flee along the goblin deployment zone.

In combat the Elector Count and swordsmen killed a hand full of goblins breaking and running them down.

Empire Turn 5 and the few swordsmen and Elector Count went into the depleted night goblin unit in front of them. The demigryphs rallied and the crossbowmen killed a couple more goblin bows.

The Elector Count and swordsmen killed a hand full of goblins and the BSB breaking them but failing to catch them.

The goblin final turn saw the spear chukka again taking 1 demigryph, the last one not panicking. The goblin bows again passed a swift reform test allowing them to shoot the swordsmen but they could not get enough and left around 5 remaining.

In the empires final turn the goblins fled again from the swrodsmen and the crossbowmen killed off the last night goblin archers.

At the end of the battle the Empire had 1 demigryph, 5 or so swordsmen, 14 crossbowmen and the Elector Count, while the goblins had 24 archers, the spear chukka and a few spearmen.

An Empire victory, made even clearer by the points (which are only for dead of fled whole units).

The Empire scored around 750 while the goblins only managed 250 for the halberdiers and priest.

A great time was had by all. The goblins passed an amazing number of ld 5 and 6 tests, but failed the most important roll of chasing the general's unit. The giant was also disappointing, as they always are.

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