Thursday, January 27, 2022

Warhammer Fantasy 8th edition 1000 point battle


This is the battle report of a Warhammer Fantasy 8th edition 1000 point battle.

It was Empire Vs Goblins, with both players having not played for around 8-10 years.


The Empire force was made up of:

1 General of the Empire with a runefang. (EC)

1 Warrior Priest with a great weapon. (WP)

30 swordsmen with full command. (S)

15 halberdiers. (H)

14 crossbow men. (C)

3 demigryph knights with full command. (DK)

They faced a goblin army of:

1 goblin big boss with 2 hand weapons. (GB)

1 night goblin battle standard bearer. (BSB)

1 level 2 night goblin shaman. (S)

28 night goblins with spear and shield and full command. (NG)

20 night goblins with bows and full command. (BNG)

24 goblins with bows, light armour 28 goblins with hand weapon and shields and full command. (BG)

28 goblins with light armour, hand weapon and shields and full command. (G)

28 goblins with light armour, hand weapon and shields and full command. (G2)

1 spear chukka (SC)

1 giant (GI)

The lines formed up and the goblins took the first turn.

Immediately the big boss unit of goblins squabbled and killed 2 night goblins from the BSB's unit and also prevented them from being able to do anything.

The other unit of goblins also squabbled and so did nothing. A classic goblin start. The 2 units of archers were able to moved up. The wizard was able to force the archers to re-roll 6s in the magic phase. In the shooting the spear chukka just missed the demigryph knights thanks to their cover behind a farmer's shed.

The empire forces used their turn to march up, the only other event was the crossbow men picking off 2 night goblin archers.

In the goblin's second turn the night goblin archer unit squabbled and had to charge the empire halberdiers detachment, taking the shaman in with them. The giant also went in to try and break through to the rear of the Empire lines.

The night goblin shaman managed to force the halberdiers he was fighting to re-roll 6s, but failed to get sneaky stabbbin (armour piercing) off. The spear chukka once again missed the demigryph knights but the goblin archers managed to do 1 wound with their short bows.

In the combat the halberdiers swiftly hacked down the goblin shaman, but thanks to the spell could not wound the giant. They also took down 1 goblin as well. The night goblins poked 2 halberdiers to death while the giant ineffectual shouted at them (yell and bawl). The large parent unit with the Elector Count nearby meant that there was little chance of the halberdiers breaking.

Sniglet Naggelrot could spy the bright colours of the empire uniforms lining up across the fields of wheat near the old farm. There were few of them, he had at least 3 goblins for every man. The 3 large creatures ridden by men in heavy armour were riding would have worried him if they had not been far away on the other flank. The great thundering steps of Angry Brag, the giant, were also very reassuring.

At the blast of a goblin horn he began to move forward. However instead of the goblins swarming forward in an unstoppable wave, both Chief Zibbs's mob and the mob of Pogin, the army standard bearer, had started having a full on brawl in the middle of the field. Also, Sniglet spied, the goblins on the far flank were just milling about, perhaps less than keen to get close to the large and ferocious monsters that opposed them.

Sniglet has even less time to consider these misfortunes than he expected as suddenly, his bow armed goblins, taken with some kind of over excitement, charged off towards the block of men with long sharp looking pointy sticks. Despite Sniglet's shouts, he was carried along with them.

Sniglet saw the sharp sticks getting closer as the goblins charged on, but then he heard the great thundering steps of Angry Brag as he charged in with them. A great sense of relief can to Sniglet as he expected to see Brag crash in to the humans and crush them with his mighty club and feet. Instead Brag stopped about 1 pace from the men and let loose a long and flowery (for a giant) string of abusive language. Sniglet's heart fell as the humans completely ignored Brag and instead closed in on him. This was not the best start to the day.


In the Empire turn 2 the demigryphs charged into the goblin unit off to the flank while the elector count lead his swordsmen and warrior priest into the side of the giant.
With the shaman now dead the goblins could not dispel the warrior priests prayers so now the swordsmen could re-roll hits from hatred and wounds. The crossbow men picked off a couple of goblins from the large units behind the combat.

In combat the Elector Count skilfully took 3 wounds from the giant with his runefang and the swordsmen took the other 3 before the giant could react. However victory turned to disaster as the giant fell directly on to the swordsmen and crushed 12 beneath his bulk, both the characters saved by shouts from the men around them (look out sir).

The swords men reformed to face the goblins while the night goblin archers broke and fled back through the night goblin spear men, who bravely did not panic. The halberdiers rolled poorly and advanced only a few inches.

The demigryphs killed a score of goblins who broke and managed to outpace! the demigryphs.

The goblin turn 3 saw charges from the night goblins with BSB to the remaining halberdiers and the big boss's unit into the swordsmen.
The goblins who had fled the demigryphs also rallied on their natural leadership. The night goblin bows also rallied.

The goblin archers passed a swift reform test on their natural leadership and took another wound from the demigryphs with their arrows. The speak chukka missed a point blank shot.

A bolt throwers dream, ruined by bad dice.

In combat the Elector count did only 1 wound with his runefang to the big boss, who in return stabbed the warrior priest for 1 wound. The remaining goblins finished off the priest and 3 swordsmen while the swordsmen killed 3 goblins. In the end combat was a draw. The night goblins and BSB were able to take down a few halberdiers but the rest held and bagged a couple of night goblins.

The Empire turn 3 saw the demigryphs again charged the rallied goblins and crossbowmen take another 4 night goblin bows who bravely passed their panic test.
The demigryphs broke and chased the goblins from the table while the night goblins wiped out the halberdiers and turned to face the swordsmen's flank. The Elector count then killed the big boss while the swordsmen got a few more goblins for the cost of a couple of their own. The goblins still had numbers, and in an important roll passed their re-roll n ld 6 to hold.

Goblin turn 4 and a game winning chance, the night goblins charged into the swordsmen's flank, there was no shooting except a long range spear chukka shot missing the crossbowmen.

In combat the swordsmen and elector count killed several goblins, but a further 4 swordsmen were killed and more importantly the flank charge and ranks of night goblins meant that the empire was testing on ld4, even with the 3 dice the roll was triple 6, so fled. A roll of 10 saw them outpace the goblins on a 6 and an 8.

Empire turn 4 and the swordsmen rallied and the demigryphs return. The crossbowmen continued to pickoff the odd goblin.

Goblin turn 5 and the night goblins with BSB went into the front of the swordsmen. In the shooting phase the spear chukka finally got a hit and killed 1 demigryph, which promptly caused the unit to flee along the goblin deployment zone.

In combat the Elector Count and swordsmen killed a hand full of goblins breaking and running them down.

Empire Turn 5 and the few swordsmen and Elector Count went into the depleted night goblin unit in front of them. The demigryphs rallied and the crossbowmen killed a couple more goblin bows.

The Elector Count and swordsmen killed a hand full of goblins and the BSB breaking them but failing to catch them.

The goblin final turn saw the spear chukka again taking 1 demigryph, the last one not panicking. The goblin bows again passed a swift reform test allowing them to shoot the swordsmen but they could not get enough and left around 5 remaining.

In the empires final turn the goblins fled again from the swrodsmen and the crossbowmen killed off the last night goblin archers.

At the end of the battle the Empire had 1 demigryph, 5 or so swordsmen, 14 crossbowmen and the Elector Count, while the goblins had 24 archers, the spear chukka and a few spearmen.

An Empire victory, made even clearer by the points (which are only for dead of fled whole units).

The Empire scored around 750 while the goblins only managed 250 for the halberdiers and priest.

A great time was had by all. The goblins passed an amazing number of ld 5 and 6 tests, but failed the most important roll of chasing the general's unit. The giant was also disappointing, as they always are.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Next war: Korea


This is a solo play through of the board game Next war: Korea by GMT games

This will be the tactical surprise scenario, with every faction at full intervention level from the start.

The optional rules used were:

Chinese air restrictions (only 1 ground support by aircraft instead of up to 2)

refugees (reduced movement during the early stages of the war)

US readiness (US forces have lower cohesion due to lack of preparation)

Last gasp (DPRK logistics break down as the war goes on)

The plan of the DPRK, China and Russia is to drive hard and fast on Seoul as well as mitigating the air threat.

The Allies plan is to hold Seoul while buying time for air power to win the day.

Before hostilities both sides have a small chance to rush forces to the border, which both do, the DRPK more so than the allies, who are still yet to muster their full strength.

Turn 1

In the first aggressive actions of the war, DRPK special forces raid several air bases as well as trying to take out the US THAAD system. The attacks on the air bases are very successful, inflicting significant damage as well as losses amongst squadrons based at them and the destruction of air transport resources. However, 40% of the DRPK special forces are used for these attacks are lost.

The failure to destroy the THAAD is significant, as the following storm of missiles fired from the north is an abject failure, with even those getting through mostly missing their targets. In the end only 1 airfield is damaged.

Over the skies of South Korea masses of aircraft meet in combat. The are significant losses on both sides, but for now the DPRK retains the advantage through weight of numbers.

Airstrikes from both sides achieve little, but the DPRK does loose a number of strike assets in the attempt. The South's only wild weasel anti-SAM unit is lost in its first attempt to attack the North's air defences.

The North uses all of it's air transport assets in an attempt to get units behind the front line. Some are forced to abort and some are shot down, but 3 battalions reach their destinations and occupy 3 key bridges behind the front lines in the centre or Korea. They have little hope of survival, but without help, the now cut off ROK front line forces have almost no chance.

The DPRK attacks pushes the front line in all areas, with the centre weakening the most. Losses are heavy for both sides, especially against the less well equipped ROK border forces.

Turn 2

The air battle takes a quick turn against the DPRK as their air force takes terrible damage, and air superiority passes quickly to the allies.

US special forces try to point DPRK HQs for air strikes but several teams are lost. The DPRK SoFs finally get the THAAD, but it is too little to late.

US air power does help, but the DPRKS air defences are still quite effective, and strikes so close to the border are dangerous. An entire squadron of B2s is lost to SAMs.

The DRPK push in the centre is effective, with several ROK divisions surrounded and destroyed. The blocking airmobile forces at the bridges are destroyed by allied reinforcements, but it is no help to those on the front line.

US front line forces take heavy losses as the DPRK gets its first toe hold south of the Imjin river on the way to Seoul.

The first southern city, Uijeongbu, is occupied.

On the eastern flank the US 3rd marine task force is wiped out as it tries to hold back the vast forces of the north, who advance despite heavy losses.

Turn 3

Special forces fail to achieve much for either side. But now china and Russia have fully arrived.

The combined forces of the DPRK, PRC and Russian Federation move to challenge the allies in the air and in the sea of Japan (East Sea)

In the sea, a strike of many Chinese land based missiles gets through the screens and sinks the carrier USS Ronald Regan, which goes down along with its air wings. The other ships also destroy 1 South Korean task force. The Allied reply from land and sea is devastating, wiping out 2 Chinese task forces, 1 Russian and 1 DPRK, leaving just a crippled Russian task force and a damaged North Korean one, which withdraw back to their ports. China has claimed a carrier, but possibly lost the battle for the East Sea.

The mass attack in an attempt to retake the skies is worse than a disaster, the combined air power of Russia and China, as well as the remnants of the DPRK are shot out of the sky by planes from the ROK, Japan, USAF, USMC and the commonwealth.

The Chinese paradrop which was to follow with an almost war winning attack by dropping into the unguarded rear of Seoul is a disaster, with the entire force intercepted and forced back, taking heavy losses in the process.

The DPRK forces in land continue to push the on the road to Seoul as well as making gains in the centre and on the East coast.

Losses are massive, but the North can afford more than the South.

Turn 4

The DPRK is 4 points away from an automatic victory roll

Heavy Chinese land reinforcements have nearly reached Seoul but the DPRK's logistics are breaking down and supplies running out.

Allied special forces target the newly arrived Chinese forces as the cross the Imjin. Northern special forces continue to target airfields but are only doing minor damage. Which is easily repaired and losses to air mobile assets are being replaced by reinforcements.

In the air the skies are swept clean of any remaining hostiles by the Allies. The following set of airstrikes by heavy bombers from Guam, medium bombers from Japan and air bases in Korea and ground support from other aircraft is devastating, almost every force across the Imjin is hit in some way.

On the ground, the East coast ROK forces are wiped out and the DPRK and Russian naval infantry begin a rush south, however they are slowed by the lack of supplies from the North.

In the centre to, most ROK resistance is finished off and Northern forces make their way South.

Around Seoul the DPRK forces push the defenders back into the city, but are over stretched and take massive losses doing so. Chinese forces exploit the gap and capture a northern part of Seoul, but a swift counter forces them out again.

The counter by some recently arrived US marines breaks the Russian naval infantry who were pushing the advance to the east. The slow DPRK forces are to far behind to give any support.

Turn 5

The initiative is swinging as the northern advance falters.

Russian special forces destroy 2 airbases and inflict damage on the aircraft stationed there.

Allied special forces target important units for air strikes.

Russia and China make a final push on air and sea using the last of their reinforcements. On the sea the combined force of a Chinese carrier group and another action group, as well as the Russian group and DPRK remnants along with land based missile help destroy 1 surface action group from Japan, ROK and the US. However the return fire wipes out everything, including the Chinese carrier. The Naval war has been decided.

In the air the Allies continue to dominate and the new Chinese and Russian reinforcements are soon scatted over the mountains of Korea. The air war is also over.

The Allied air power then begins a brutal bombing campaign targeting key front line units.

On land the US marines and southern reinforcements start to roll back up the east coast, liberating cites and ports previously captured by the north. The battle for Seoul continues in the west and in the center the DPRK forces face little resistance, but are too thinly spread to achieve much.

Turn 6

Allies take the initiative

With no competition in the skies and the northern air defences almost out of action and crippling bombing campaign begins. The focus is the forces north of Seoul and the damage is huge.

On all fronts the Allies begin the counter attack, taking losses, but inflicting massive losses on the weakened northern forces.

Turn 7

The remnants of the Chinese air force try to at least contest the skies and are able to keep a couple of planes in the air.

US air power is unable to keep up the intensity of the bombing which achieves only disappointing results this turn.

Chinese reinforcements arrive in the centre, but north of Seoul the Allies clear the planes up to the Imjin river.

Turn 8

There is a large storm this turn. It has little affect on American air power which continues to cause damage, but it does slow the advance of the Chinese moving down from the north.

The Allies push across the Imjin and over the boarder into the north.

Turn 9

The newly arrived Chinese army is mostly bombed into oblivion and the remnants swept away by ROK forces. The US forces push into the north, taking Keisong and a number of towns and installations. The only remaining DPRK forces are red guard units holed up for a last stand in Pyonyang.

The War is effectively over.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Modern Pacific Campaign part 2

Senkaku Face-off

2 weeks previously Chinese and Philippine naval forces clashed off of the Scarborough Shoal. The political implications and improvements have encouraged the Chinese government to be more ambitious. They have announced that they are enforcing their declared security zone around the Senkaku Islands. Both Taiwan and Japan have protested and japan intends to test this declaration. Both sides expect a confrontation, especially after the events 2 weeks before. The date is March 23rd 2021. The time is 13:00


The Japanese have dispatched the 13th Escort squadron (sasebo) of:
DD-157 Sawagiri (Asagiri class)
DE-230 Jintsu (Abukuma class)
DD-132 Asayuki (Hatsuyuki class)
They have also sent out a submarine to patrol the area
SS-501 Soryu

In air support they have
3 F-2s with 4 Type 88 ASMS
6 F15J Eagles with 4 AIM 4s and 6 AIM 5s
1 E-1C Hawkeye – endurance 4 hours

The Chinese forces are
2 Jiankai IIs Zhoushan (529)(舟山) Xuzhou (530)(徐州)
1 Jiangwei II Jiaxing (521)(嘉
3 Jiangdao Bengbu (582) (蚌埠Shangrao (583(上饶)Ji'an (586)(吉安)

In air support they have
9 Shenyang J11s with 4 Vympel R-77s, 2 Vympel R-27s and 4Vympel R-73s
6 Chnegdu J10s with 2 PL-12s, 4 YJ-9Ks and 4 PL10s

The hawk eye has 4 hours remaining of endurance

Japanese air support arrival time is 25 mins after request.

Chinese air support arrival time is 20 mins after request.

Sea state is 6 (quite bad) and it is raining

The game

Both forces maneuver in the area north of the Senkakus, eventually the Japanese Hawkeye picked up emissions from the Chinese fleet and approached it. As it got closer it was able to pick up each ship on radar. The Japanese fleet then began to approach.

the Chinese fleet picked up the Hawkeye’s emissions they launched their helicopters in an effort to pick up the source.

After about 1 and a half hours the Japanese ships came within radar range of the Chinese ships. The bad weather was limiting radar range. The Japanese sub was also heading towards the location.

The Chinese fleet launches choppers.

The Chinese fleet called in all its air support while the Japanese fleet only requested fighter coverage. Both fleets also began to exchange warnings and threats.

The fleets get closer.

After about 20 minutes and shortly before the chines air support arrived the Hawkeye picked up the approaching Chinese strike fighters on radar. The Japanese fleet then launched all of its harpoons towards the Chinese fleet in a surprising and aggressive move. The Chinese responded shortly after with a total launch of all their anti-ship missiles.

The first wave of surface missles are away.

At the same time the Chinese air support arrived and some of the fighters broke off towards the Hawkeye whose emissions they had picked up. The Hawkeye began to retreat back towards the approaching Japanese F15s.

The faster harpoons reached the Chinese fleet first and their speed and final maneuvers meant that over half survived the storm of anti-air missiles fired by the Chinese. 15 got through and targeted various ships in the task force, another 5 were lost to the close in defense weaponry on the Chinese ships and another 6 were confused by jamming and decoys. Of the 4 remaining, 1 struck each of the Jiangdaos and 1 hit the Jiankai II 'Zhoushan'.

The missles start to reach their targets.

The large warheads on the harpoons were too much for the smaller Jiangdaos and left them very badly damaged with fires, flooding and almost total systems failure. The Zhoushan lost its bridge and also began flooding.

The slower Chinese missiles arrived a couple of minutes later and their slower speed meant that the Japanese ships could launch more AA missiles. However, the smaller Japanese ship lacked any AA missiles. Of the 28 missiles launched by the Chinese 12 are lost to sea sparrows launched by the Japanese. Another 7 are lost to phalanx defense turrets. Of the 9 missiles left 3 get through the Jamming and decoy screen, 2 strike the small Jintsu and 1 hits the larger Sawagiri.

The Jintsu is very badly damaged and has most systems go down. The strike on the sawagiri does significant damage but all major systesm remain online.

At the same time the 4 Chinese fighters chasing the Hawkeye get into long range around the same time as the F15s get into range on them. A number of long range missiles are launched and 1 fighter from each side is lost as well as the Hawkeye. A few moments later the Chinese fire their medium range missiles and the Japanese get close enough to fire theirs. The result is a total loss with all fighters going down. It has also been several minutes since the Japanese called for the F2s and their anti-ship missiles.
Air forces engage.

The Chinese strike fighters now close with the Japanese ships free from any threat as the remaining Japanese fighters withdraw to cover the F2s. They launch their payload of smaller anti-ship missiles.

The remaining anti-air missiles are fired by the Japanese ships, after the guns, decoys and jamming are done 2 trike the Asayuki and 3 the Sawagiri. The smaller warheads on these missiles mean that the damage to the Asayuki is light and, while the Sawagiri is now quite badly damaged, its radar is still functioning. This is critical as it guides in the F2s who launch their long range missiles free from any Chinese fighter threat.
Chinese planes strike the Japanese ships.

The wave of 12 anti-ship missiles again passes through the now reduced Chinese screen with 5 hitting targets. The Jiaxing is struck by 2 and is completely destroyed. 2 strike the Xuzhou doing major damage and starting flooding in 2 sections and a fire as well as systems damage. The Zhoushan is hit once and escapes with only its weapons and sensors destroyed.

The Japanese planes finish off the damaged fleet.

After this both forces begin to withdraw but the Xuzhou and the Jintsu sink before getting very far.

The result is 1 small destroyer lost and 2 destroyers damaged for Japan while china loses 3 missile boats 2 destroyers and 1 badly damaged. Both sides also lose 3 fighters and Japan loses the Hawkeye.

The Japanese sub is too far to away and does not arrive in time, it is called back rather than hunt down the last Chinese destroyer.

Political result

With the amount of ships lost it is played out as a Japanese victory and the government in Japan enjoys a wave of popular support. Who shot first becomes a major issue with both sides blaming the other for aggressive movements, with the Japanese force leader saying the decision to launch was made when the Chinese air strike force was picked up on radar.

Behind closed doors the issues are more complicated. While the Japanese navy performed well, the air force was forced back as it cannot take heavy losses and the Chinese fighters are more effective than expected and can afford large losses. The loss of a Hawkeye is also a blow.

All of these considerations and the news coverage soon end, when China begins its attack on Taiwan around 21 hours later.

The game

The game was surprising on a few levels. The first was the power of the harpoon, the speed, size of the warhead and ability to perform in flight maneuvers really made these missiles deadly. The second was how the presence of 1 Hawkeye really meant that japan had a huge advantage in terms of the locations of Chinese forces. It gave a major early advantage. The last surprise was how effective the Chinese air force was, after the first clash they basically forced the Japanese reserves out of the area less they suffer heavy losses.

As this game was a confused meeting engagement, it does not reflect the full power of either the nations involved.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

New Campaign: Modern Pacific

I have started a new campaign, this one will be set in the Pacific and South China sea. The rules will be Harpoon 4. I may add land combat at a later date

Modern Naval Campaign

It is 2021, the world is has entered an economic downturn. Many major powers face increasing unrest and political troubles at home. The US looks to a more internal focused policy after damage from the trade war with china took its toll. China also faces major economic problems from the trade war and increasing isolation after the brutal subjugation of Hong Kong.

Other nations too have economic and political issues, but these are less drastic. As world opinion turns on china and economic hardships effect its people, the chines government become more bellicose. A declaration that all ships using china's (claimed) territorial waters must get permission, or pay a fine is the result. Many nations refuse to do this. At first the declaration is mostly unenforced.

Near the Scarborough Shoal china has once again banned not only fishing by Phillapine vessles but also transit and has expanded the area where these rules apply. The recent harassment of these vessles has caused the Philapine navy to send a vessle to carryout a freedom of navigation mission through this claimed area.

Scarborough Contact

2 Philippine patrol boats, PS-28 BRP Cebu and PS-20 BRP Magat Salamat, are conducting a freedom of navigation manoeuvrer through china's declared exclusive zone around the Scarborough Shoal. Their direction and location have been reported and a single Chinese Type 053 (Jianghu IV) is attempting to intercept. The Philippine air force also has 1 KAI golden eagle on standby.

                        Complete freedom of navigation manoeuvrer, drive off any aggressor. Do not  
                         loose any ships.
                        Do not loose any ships, inflict damage on any aggressor.
                         Prevent Enemy ships entry into security zone. Avoid damage
                          Prevent enemy ships entry into security zone, do not loose the ship.

The contact at 3.15pm local time

The 2 Philippine ships continued on there straight course and were intercepted by the Chinese frigate. Both had radar contact, the Chinese ship matched the Philippine ships course at just over 6 nautical miles away and broadcast warnings. The Philippine ships continued on their course.

At 4.06 the Chinese ship fired a warning shot. The Philippine captains did not react and continued.

At 4.10 the Chinese ship open fire with its main gun. The first rounds missed and the Philippine ships under the assumption that this was another warning did not react. The second set of rounds struck the Magat Salamat, the shells doing some damage to the smaller ship.

At this point both Philippine ships turned towards the Chinese ship in order to get into range. Over the next 2 minutes the Chinese ship continued to fire and miss the smaller ships. At 4.14 a second round struck the Magat Salamat and this time did significant damage taking out the radar, main gun and rudder.

As the Magat Salamat, now unable to manoeuvrer effectively, tries to disengage the Cebu starts to fire its main gun. Once again both ships miss several times.

4.17 A round from the Cebu strikes the Beihai doing very light damage. Having taken a hit the chinese ship responds with its missles.

4.18 1 anti ship missile is launched towards the Cebu.

4.19 The Cebu misses in its attempt to bring down the missile and is struck. The small ship is knocked out of the fight and begins to sink.

4.20 The Beihai launches a second missile towards the Magat Salamat.

4.23 The Magat Salamat is struck and sunk by the missile.

4.31 A KIA golden Eagle which had been prepared earlier arrives in the area. It locates the Beihai on Radar and proceeds towards the target. At a distance of around 10 nm it launches 2 maverick missiles. As they approach the Beihai, 1 is shot down by the defensive anti air fire. The second strikes the ship. The plane then launches the second set of 2 missiles both of these make it through the AA fire and strike the Beihai.

4.35 The Eagle leaves the combat area having used its payload. The Beihai has been heavily damaged but is still able to sale and makes it's way back to port.

Tactical victory for China.
The successful enforcement of the Security zone shows that china is not bluffing. Also the easy destruction of 2 enemy ships demonstrates the power of the Chinese navy. However the damage inflicted by 1 plane shows the danger that a lack of AA or fighter support can have. The distance from the mainland and the airbases there shows a possible weakness. The limited modern elements of the south east Asian countries could be a significant threat if grouped together.

Political Results
The result is not good for the president of the Philippines. The loss of 2 ships (even if they were the oldest in the fleet) will not go down well with his nationalist supporters back home. However, with this event he has demonstrated the threat that china poses and this may help unify the ASEAN nations at the emergency meeting soon to be held. The fact the the US has only offered words rather than action also helps this cause.

In China the result is greeted with celebration by the public and repeated on the public news broadcasters. This is what the government hoped for as people, for a time, forget the economic troubles. The threat posed by the ASEAN as a group has been noted though and by threats and bribes attempts will be made to split them up. Also the US's lack of action is encouraging. Bigger plans can now be carried out with confidence.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

August 22 Carrier strikes and results

Turn 15 day (August 18)

The Japanese destroyer transports are ordered back and join the larger transport force which continues towards the islands

skip time

Turn 19 day August 22

The main Japanese force enters the area to clear the way for the transports

4 is the advance/ support force
5 is the striking (carrier) force
6 is the Vanguard force
7 is the diversionary force

US numbers are1 for Air Support Force (Saratoga), 2 for Task Unit from old TF 16 (enterprise), 3 for Task Unit under Rear Adm. Noyes (wasp)

The weather is windy

Scout planes from both sides spot almost all the main ship groups, except the Japanese diversionary group. All ships launch attack groups

Shokaku attack force 15 fighters 9 torpedo bombers, 14 dive bombers (target US 1 (Saratoga))
Zuikaku attack force 15 fighters 27 dive bombers (US 2 (Enterprise))
Ryujo attack force 12 fighters 21 torpedo bombers (US 3 (Wasp))

The US forces all target the stiking carrier force
Saratoga attack force 15 fighters 18 dive bombers 9 avengers
Enterprise attack force 15 fighters, 18 div bombers 9 avengers
Wasp attack force 15 fighters, 18 dive mobers, 6 avengers

The Zuikaku force cant find Enterprise and so moves to attack the Saratoga force

cap for Shokaku attack on Saratoga 15 wild cats
cap for ryujyo on wasp 12 wild cats
cap for combined attack on japanese carriers 24 zeros

Battle 1 The American attack on the carriers

I will split this battle into 6 parts because of its size.

Part 1
8 wild cats, 9 bombers, 6 torpedo bombers vs 6 zeros. 1 junior ace on each size.

This battle was dominated by poor dice rolling.

At first the forces moved towards each other and some good cards saw a zero squadron get behind the bomber formation and fire. This caused 1 bomber to explode causing 5 torpedo bombers and 2 dive bombers and 1 zero to loose control. (only the dive bombers and 1 torpedo bomber would regain control over 4 turns!)

Other than this 1 zero was shot down and some damage done to other but the number of times a huge amount of fire produced no result was crazy.

In the end 1 zero was shot down, 1 crashed, 1 damaged,

The US lost 5 torpedo bombers and 1 damaged fighter,

9 dive bombers reach the fleet

Part 2
6 wild cats 9 bombers, 3 torpedo bombers vs 3 zeros

At first the US pilots fail badly, many missing and jamming there guns. This allows the the Zeros to inflict some damage on the first pass. After this as the zeros turn to chase the bombers the US fighters can get behind and shoot 2 down. More bombers are lost or damaged. In the end 2 wild cats and 1 of each kind of bomber are shot down with another bomber damaged and forced back to base

7 dauntless and 2 avengers reach fleet

2 wild cats, 2 bombers and 2 zeros are lost

both pilots who bailed are rescued.

Part 3
9 wild cats, 9 bombers, 6 torpedo bombers vs 6 zeros

The US starts badly again and 2 fighters are shot down on the first pass, 3 zeros chase the bombers while 3 engage the cap, both fail to achieve much as the bombers manoeuvrer well

7 dauntless and 5 avengers reach the fleet

2 dauntless, 1 torpedo bomber, 2 wild cats and 3 zeros are lost

Part 4
6 wild cats, 9 dive bomber and 6 torpedo bombers vs 3 zeros.
Its starts well for the zros as they claim 2 bombers but soon 2 are shot down by lucky long range fire and the last one breaks off. 1 ace is forced to bail and is lost at sea

Part 5
9 fighters, 9 dive bombers 3 torp vs 3 zeros

The zeros aproach close to the bombers and fire from the bombers damages all 3, the rookie looses control and crashes, the bombers are safe

part 6
the small fighter escort for bombers and 2 aces on the Japanese side seem to show a more even fight, but turret fire from the bombers forces 2 zero off with damage. The last ace shoots down 2 before he is out of ammo.

After all the battles most of the bombers have made it through, casualties between the US and Japanese are about even.

The strike

The many US bombers approach the carrier group, most are able to target the carriers with a few going after destroyers.

The first waves of dive bombers drop a large number of bombs scoring 2 hits on both carriers. IJN Zuikaku takes a penetrating hit which destroys is forward hanger and another damages its forward flight deck. Shortly after aviation fuel ignites and the stricken carrier is destroyed by a raging fire. Vice admiral Chunichi Nagumo does not escape his flag ship.

The Shokaku has both its flight decks badly damaged and its hull is also battered. However the crew fight the fires and are able to save the ship. They should be able to recover some of the aircraft currently in the air if they work hard to repair the decks.

One destroyer, the Kazegumo takes a bomb hit which damages its hull and knocks out 2 of its 3 gun turrets.

Then the torpedoes dropped by the torpedo bombers arrive, but once again American torpedoes fail and only 1 hits. It strikes the Makigumo, another destroyer. It suffers hull damage and the magazine ignites, the crew fail to stop it and the ship is destroyed in a fireball.

The cost to the US is 12 lost bombers, 9 damaged and 26 ok.
Dive bombers are 4 lost and 5 damaged from 19

The bomber wings from Zuikaku and Shokaku reach the Saratoga one after another. The CAP are largly rookies and are overcome easily by the veteran pilots of the Japanese carriers. The heavy AA is another matter

Shokaku looses 7 dive bombers and 1 torpedo bomber with1 damaged out of 15 and 12

These do heavy damage to a cruiser and sink a destroyer but only hit one flight deck on the Saratoga.

Following up, the many dive bombers from Zuikaku arrive. The suffer even worse from the AA loosing 7 dead and 6 damaged from 27. The survivors do more damage to the cruiser and hit the Saratoga 3 times doing severe hull damage and starting a hanger fire. The massive hull damage is too much and fire consumes the ship. Vice admiral Noyes does not make it off his flagship.

The strike on the Wasp by the Ryujyo's torpedo bombers leads to the loss of 8 shot down and 4 damaged. 1 torpedo strikes the carrier, knocking out its engineering and doing massive hull damage. Another torpedo strikes the Salt Lake City which also takes significant hull damage and the loss of its forward guns.

The final results are the loss of 1 carrier a side, and the crippling of another on both sides. This leaves 1 carrier each with an active wing remaining.

I am also now quite bored of this campaign, the many repetitive air battles got old fast. I may do one final naval battle if the Japanese surface force can catch any of the US forces. It looks like the campaign will result in a draw.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

August 16 Air battle, (Bag the Hun battle report)

2 fighter sections engage 2 sections of CAP
The transports finish unloading and leave the area.

August 16th air battle, 2 sections of Zeros vs 2 sections of Wild cats

The sections approach each other and the leading planes exchange fire, causing little damage except for the gunsight on one of the zero leaders. The planes fly past each other on one side Blue zero section gets behind US red and on the other US white gets behind zero green.

In the turn to follow zero green, The rookie leader and number 2 of US white section fail to keep up, with number 2 loosing control of his plane. This leaves only white 1 behind the zero section. US red section has zeros approaching from the rear. A hard turn could help, but with one of the wing men a rookie the change of loosing him is high, should he fail, with a full zero section behind, his chances are slim. Thus the red leader tries a daring manoeuvrer, he turns gently towards the other zero section and US green and flies through them. His section dodges all the planes, both US and Japanese. The following Japanese section does the same thing. Both wing men avoid the wing men from the other section. The leaders are not so lucky as they clip each other. It is a disaster, blue leaders plane stats to fall apart as a wing sheers off. Green leaders plane is engulfed in a fireball. Which cause 3 of the 4 wing men to loose control.

Now the tides have turned. Over the next few minutes US red section will shoot down 2 more Zeros.

Meanwhile, of the remaining 2 zeros, one will struggle to regain control, and after taking damage break off.

The other follows US white leader who is now alone, the other rookie having struggled with the controls so much he leaves the area. A burst from the Zero causes critical instrument damage to US white leader who attempts to break off. The zero follows him and puts round after round into his plane. Before his other wingman can arrive to drive off the zero US white leader will take heavy damage to both wings, his cockpit and have his flue lines damaged. However he makes it back to the carrier alive and still in his plane.

The result is 4 downed zeros with 1 more damaged. The US losses are 1 damaged fighter. Group leader C. Powell has also become a junior ace after his great performance. The second ace in the task force and both from the same carrier.