Turn 15 day (August 18)
The Japanese destroyer
transports are ordered back and join the larger transport force which
continues towards the islands
skip time
Turn 19 day August 22
The main Japanese force
enters the area to clear the way for the transports
4 is the advance/
support force
5 is the striking
(carrier) force
6 is the Vanguard force
7 is the diversionary
US numbers are1 for
Air Support Force (Saratoga), 2 for Task Unit from old TF 16
(enterprise), 3 for Task Unit under Rear Adm. Noyes (wasp)
The weather is windy
Scout planes from both
sides spot almost all the main ship groups, except the Japanese
diversionary group. All ships launch attack groups
Shokaku attack force 15
fighters 9 torpedo bombers, 14 dive bombers (target US 1 (Saratoga))
Zuikaku attack force 15
fighters 27 dive bombers (US 2 (Enterprise))
Ryujo attack force 12
fighters 21 torpedo bombers (US 3 (Wasp))
The US forces all
target the stiking carrier force
Saratoga attack force
15 fighters 18 dive bombers 9 avengers
Enterprise attack force
15 fighters, 18 div bombers 9 avengers
Wasp attack force 15
fighters, 18 dive mobers, 6 avengers
The Zuikaku force cant
find Enterprise and so moves to attack the Saratoga force
cap for Shokaku attack
on Saratoga 15 wild cats
cap for ryujyo on wasp
12 wild cats
cap for combined attack
on japanese carriers 24 zeros
Battle 1 The American
attack on the carriers
I will split this
battle into 6 parts because of its size.
Part 1
8 wild cats, 9 bombers,
6 torpedo bombers vs 6 zeros. 1 junior ace on each size.
This battle was
dominated by poor dice rolling.
At first the forces
moved towards each other and some good cards saw a zero squadron get
behind the bomber formation and fire. This caused 1 bomber to explode
causing 5 torpedo bombers and 2 dive bombers and 1 zero to loose
control. (only the dive bombers and 1 torpedo bomber would regain
control over 4 turns!)
Other than this 1 zero
was shot down and some damage done to other but the number of times a
huge amount of fire produced no result was crazy.
In the end 1 zero was
shot down, 1 crashed, 1 damaged,
The US lost 5 torpedo
bombers and 1 damaged fighter,
9 dive bombers reach
the fleet
Part 2
6 wild cats 9 bombers,
3 torpedo bombers vs 3 zeros
At first the US pilots
fail badly, many missing and jamming there guns. This allows the the
Zeros to inflict some damage on the first pass. After this as the
zeros turn to chase the bombers the US fighters can get behind and
shoot 2 down. More bombers are lost or damaged. In the end 2 wild
cats and 1 of each kind of bomber are shot down with another bomber
damaged and forced back to base
7 dauntless and 2
avengers reach fleet
2 wild cats, 2 bombers
and 2 zeros are lost
both pilots who bailed
are rescued.
Part 3
9 wild cats, 9 bombers,
6 torpedo bombers vs 6 zeros
The US starts badly
again and 2 fighters are shot down on the first pass, 3 zeros chase
the bombers while 3 engage the cap, both fail to achieve much as the
bombers manoeuvrer well
7 dauntless and 5
avengers reach the fleet
2 dauntless, 1 torpedo
bomber, 2 wild cats and 3 zeros are lost
Part 4
6 wild cats, 9 dive
bomber and 6 torpedo bombers vs 3 zeros.
Its starts well for the
zros as they claim 2 bombers but soon 2 are shot down by lucky long
range fire and the last one breaks off. 1 ace is forced to bail and
is lost at sea
Part 5
9 fighters, 9 dive
bombers 3 torp vs 3 zeros
The zeros aproach close
to the bombers and fire from the bombers damages all 3, the rookie
looses control and crashes, the bombers are safe
part 6
the small fighter
escort for bombers and 2 aces on the Japanese side seem to show a
more even fight, but turret fire from the bombers forces 2 zero off
with damage. The last ace shoots down 2 before he is out of ammo.
After all the battles
most of the bombers have made it through, casualties between the US
and Japanese are about even.
The strike
The many US bombers
approach the carrier group, most are able to target the carriers with
a few going after destroyers.
The first waves of dive
bombers drop a large number of bombs scoring 2 hits on both carriers.
IJN Zuikaku takes a penetrating hit which destroys is forward hanger
and another damages its forward flight deck. Shortly after aviation
fuel ignites and the stricken carrier is destroyed by a raging fire.
Vice admiral Chunichi Nagumo does not escape his flag ship.
The Shokaku has both
its flight decks badly damaged and its hull is also battered. However
the crew fight the fires and are able to save the ship. They should
be able to recover some of the aircraft currently in the air if they
work hard to repair the decks.
One destroyer, the
Kazegumo takes a bomb hit which damages its hull and knocks out 2 of
its 3 gun turrets.
Then the torpedoes
dropped by the torpedo bombers arrive, but once again American
torpedoes fail and only 1 hits. It strikes the Makigumo, another
destroyer. It suffers hull damage and the magazine ignites, the crew
fail to stop it and the ship is destroyed in a fireball.
The cost to the US is
12 lost bombers, 9 damaged and 26 ok.
Dive bombers are 4 lost
and 5 damaged from 19
The bomber wings from
Zuikaku and Shokaku reach the Saratoga one after another. The CAP are
largly rookies and are overcome easily by the veteran pilots of the
Japanese carriers. The heavy AA is another matter
Shokaku looses 7 dive
bombers and 1 torpedo bomber with1 damaged out of 15 and 12
These do heavy damage
to a cruiser and sink a destroyer but only hit one flight deck on the
Following up, the many
dive bombers from Zuikaku arrive. The suffer even worse from the AA
loosing 7 dead and 6 damaged from 27. The survivors do more damage to
the cruiser and hit the Saratoga 3 times doing severe hull damage and
starting a hanger fire. The massive hull damage is too much and fire
consumes the ship. Vice admiral Noyes does not make it off his
The strike on the Wasp
by the Ryujyo's torpedo bombers leads to the loss of 8 shot down and
4 damaged. 1 torpedo strikes the carrier, knocking out its
engineering and doing massive hull damage. Another torpedo strikes
the Salt Lake City which also takes significant hull damage and the
loss of its forward guns.
The final results are
the loss of 1 carrier a side, and the crippling of another on both sides.
This leaves 1 carrier each with an active wing remaining.
I am also now quite bored of this campaign, the many repetitive air battles got old fast. I may do one final naval battle if the Japanese surface force can catch any of the US forces. It looks like the campaign will result in a draw.
I am also now quite bored of this campaign, the many repetitive air battles got old fast. I may do one final naval battle if the Japanese surface force can catch any of the US forces. It looks like the campaign will result in a draw.