Monday, June 24, 2019

Battle of Gavutu (battle report Blitzkrieg Commander 3)

This is the battle report from the first landings at Tulagi and Gavutu-Tanambogo. This entry will cover Gavutu on the 8th of August. This battle will use Blitzkrieg commander 3 rules, but i am using 1 base to represent a squad rather than a platoon and made some small other changes to suit this scale.

It took me a while to get all the terrain ready so this report is a little late and behind in the campaign, but never mind. Also my boards are a bit too rough (I should not have used the cheap sand) so everything is not flat on the table.

Anyway, the US command has decided to launch a quick attack without much in the way of a preparatory bombardment. They attack will all be focused on Gavutu first Attacking the island are the 1st marine parachute battalion with support. They have been divided into 7 reinforced platoons for the purpose of the battle with 2 company commanders and 6 tanks supporting them.

The defenders are made up of elements from the Yokohama Air Group, the 3rd Kure Special Naval Landing Force and the 14th Construction Unit. I have divided them into 2 small platoons of veterans with support, 1 very large conscript platoon and some AA squads.

The starting deployment sees the Japanese conscripts in position around the base, river and dock, 1 veteran platoon in fortifications along the coast with support weapons behind in the forest and 1 veteran platoon back up the road at the command point.

The US forces all start making their way through the water to the beach. There are also 2 machine guns on the edge of Tanambogo which cover the beach for the Japanese.

The light early bombardment takes out 2 conscript squads and a veteran support machine gun.

The game

In the early game the US forces advance to the beach, a light fire suppressing a few of the defenders, with supporting fire from the ships, well aimed by a forward spotter takes out a few squads. The return fire is only able to suppress a few squads.

As the game goes on, the US forces push up to the outer defences, having shot most of the defenders off of their positions. More accurate naval fire also helps. The Marines are making good speed and for relatively light casualties. The fight is also breaking into 3 areas, the village, where are remaining conscripts are grouping up. The dock  where only a couple of squads remain and the beach where most of the veterans have been forced out of their fortifications.

At this time the other Japanese veteran platoon is making its way down the road towards the beach.

The US forces in the village area make a push to force out the Japanese defending it.

Destroying 2 conscript squads, but loosing a tank in the process.

Now the Japanese defences start to fold as the conscripts and veterans beginning to fall in large numbers. However the US is also taking losses, especially from close assaults. The Stuart tanks are particularly vulnerable.

As the beach defences fall the marines charge the support weapons in the forest.

While the village is almost completely secured for the Americans.

However in the center a mad charge results in heavy US losses and most of the platoon fall back.

However it is not enough and with the original beach defenders wiped out and the other veteran platoon damaged by naval gun fire the game ends.

The result is a rapid victory for the Americans taking no more than half a day.

Losses are total for the Japanese on Gavutu.

The US losses are 12 marine squads, about 25% of the original landing forces and 5 of the 6 tanks.

This was a solid US victory, with the smaller Japanese force on Tamabogo not looking good for tomorrow.

Meanwhile there is a large battle going on on Tulagi which I will fight soon.